Download the open editorial here.
Andrea Jamison, ACYA committee member, writes in an open editorial in response to the UN Committee on the Rights of Child's recommendations to New Zealand. The Committee of leading experts on children's rights expressed deep concern about the enduring high prevalence of poverty among children and the effect this has on their standard of living, access to housing, health and education.
Download the open editorial here. UN Committee's Concluding Observations on the state of children and childhood in NZ released12/10/2016
ACYA welcomes the UN Committee’s Concluding Observations on the state of children and childhood in Aotearoa NZ. The document highlights the need for a comprehensive approach to policy design and delivery based on the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. Download the Concluding Observations here.
To watch the UN Session where the UN considered whether NZ was meeting its obligations under the Convention, please press here. ACYA has also released a media release in response to the UN Committee's Concluding Observations, noting our concerns that New Zealand was not meeting its obligations under the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. Download ACYA's media release here. |
News and Events
ContributorsACYA - Action for Children and Youth Aotearoa - a coalition of non governmental organisations, families and individuals. We promote the rights of our children and young people through advocacy and monitoring of the implementation of the UN Convention of the Rights of the Child and other international human rights instruments. ArchivesOctober 2018 Categories![]() |